Hi friends, family and fellow bloggers!
As you know, Keith has had to take over writing the blog entries and I am so appreciative. We are loving that this is something that we and Jaxson can look back on as a "scrapbook" or "diary" of our adventures. It also helps us to communicate with all of you so you know we are alive and well. Thank you for your continued love and support!
My entry is very special. It isn't about traveling or about venturing out in KL. It is about my adventure as a classroom teacher in a very diverse setting. I thought I had a diverse setting back in Chattanooga. I definitely did, but here it is diverse in a whole new way. My students are literally from all over the world and they come with very different background knowledge. They have already seen more of the world than most people three times their age and they come with different perspectives each spoken with their own accents. All of my students speak English, although a have six EAL students. (English as an additional language)
I have "good" days and "bad" days. As you can imagine it is such an emotional roller coaster. There are days I wonder.... what have we done?! and days we are amazed at how much we have seen and experienced in just three short months. The possibilities of what the next two years here hold excite us. We also see the truly INCREDIBLE education and opportunities Jaxson will have if we continue in the international setting.
Last week really helped me see the unique experience we are all having. We had two cultural celebrations.
One was the Merdeka Day Celebration. This is just like our "Fourth of July" in the states. Well, when I say just like, I mean that strictly in the sense that it is the day they celebrate their Independence from Britain. Malaysia is only 55 years old; a very young country.
The "Red Hats" (some of our fifth graders) hosted the Merdeka Day Celebration.
There is Ms. Jag!
After school, the staff members put together a beautiful "tea" with a buffet of local treats! They were so cute and excited about giving us a "tour" of all the treats.
Araceli and I took a bite of everything on this plate.
This is a 9 layer cake.
Such a great day and confirmation we are experiencing new things each day!