Wednesday 27 June 2012

An Attitude of Gratitude

I know this is not one of my "daily" posts, that will come later today (my tomorrow morning). However, I wanted to write a quick thank you to our wonderful family and friends who encourage us daily.  We were starting to worry that maybe our adventure the last week might not be as exciting as what our readers may have thought it would be.  Instead, it seems to be just the opposite.  You have all been so encouraging and excited for us.  I love hearing that you enjoy reading about our day, even if it's not a nail biting post full of suspenseful adventures.  It comforts us to know that you are reading along with us and that you are a part of our journey.  So, if you are reading this now, this is your thank you note. A sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU (or in Bahasa Malay: "Terima Kasih") for your thoughts, prayers and cheers from the sidelines. We love you all dearly and think of you daily!

~Be Blessed~ 

1 comment:

  1. We all anticipate hearing how you are faring so far off! We love you, and are thankful for the daily updates!!
